C.A.P.E. Conference 2015
C.A.P.E. 2015 Conference | Effective and Defensible Training Through Collaboration
![conference2015thankyou <![CDATA[]]>](
Thanks to all who participated in the 2015 BC CAPE Conference! You contributed to its success.
I have posted photos from the conference to share with you. Feel free to copy photos of beautiful BC but don’t wait too long. The photos will be removed from this website June 30.
Catherine Wareham
CAPE Secretary
For more information please contact Wayne Jacobsen at
In the changing landscape of police training many agencies are stretching their resources to do more with less. The goal of this year’s CAPE conference is to promote discussion on hot topics in police training, highlighting collaboration as a mechanism to achieve effective and defensible training within the current economic climate.
Sessions at the conference are designed to be short, fast-paced presentations followed by facilitated group discussions, panel discussions, or question and answer sessions with panelists to promote interaction and critical thinking. Innovations in police training in BC will be showcased throughout the conference and scheduled updates from various organizations and committees will promote collaboration.
Conference Details
Pre-CAPE Curriculum Mapping Workshop
Curriculum mapping:
With limited time and resources, it is crucial that training is targeted to the core knowledge, skills, and attitudes that our learners must develop. Mapping training programs to The Police Sector Council National Framework of Competencies, which are based on research and collaboration from agencies across the country, provides a means to ensure that police training is meeting these core needs. It also provides a framework for comparing and assessing programs to eliminate unintentional redundancy and ensure that the impact of training dollars is maximized. Finally, a well-developed curriculum map will enhance learner performance by highlighting how the learning activities and assessment practices are expected to lead to the program outcomes.
Workshop goals:
The goal of this workshop is to facilitate mapping of police training curricula to the Police Sector Council National Competency Framework. Workshop activities will be tailored to individual departments’ needs through pre-workshop analysis, ‘homework’, and in-workshop group collaboration. Participants will work independently and in groups to critically assess their program outcomes and to map these outcomes to the Competency Framework. Prior to the workshop, participants will work with their local instructors/SMEs to complete a task map that will be used to validate their high level competency map. The group will explore the next level of curriculum mapping and participants will develop a plan to map to the level of individual sessions. Individual session maps may be completed during the workshop, depending on the size of the program. Registrants should expect to begin submitting material approximately one month prior to the workshop date.
By the end of the session, participants will:
- Identify the curriculum mapping needs of their training section/program.
- Generate, at minimum, a validated high-level competency map of their selected program.
- Develop and implement a plan for mapping their curriculum at the individual session level. (Smaller programs may complete this map during the session.)
General Details
A limited-capacity pre-CAPE workshop on curriculum mapping will be offered where participants will work directly with the BC Police Academy Curriculum Developer to map their curriculum to the Police Sector Council National Framework of Competencies.
There will be opportunities to network and exchange ideas in an informal setting.
The pre-CAPE workshop will be held at BC Police Academy, located at the Justice Institute of British Columbia, New Westminster BC, on Tuesday May 19, 2015.
Conference will be held at the BC Police Academy, located at the Justice Institute of British Columbia, New Westminster BC. from Wednesday May 20 – Friday May 22, 2015.
C.A.P.E. Conference 2014
C.A.P.E. Conference 2014 | How to Meet the Training Needs of Policing in the Future.
![C.A.P.E. 2014 Conference <![CDATA[]]>](
For more information please contact Wayne Jacobsen at
The goal of this year’s C.A.P.E. conference is to engage the community of police educators in active discussion around accountability, evidence based training, and technological advancements which will influence the future.
It will be held at the RCMP Depot in Regina, Saskatchewan from May 21st to May 23rd.
C.A.P.E. attendees will be divided into small groups. These small groups will meet with a representative of each of the different delivery units of the RCMP Training Academy, tour the facilities, and explore the challenges and solutions faced by police educators in relation to that discipline.
Participants will attend a variety of presentations, each of which will be followed by an opportunity for collaborative exploration of the subject presented. The presentations include:
- Drill: Does it have a place in modern police training?
- Overview of the RCMP Cadet training program.
- Advantages of a synthetic firearms program with Graham MacRae.
- Mobile Learning Devices (Tablets) in police training with Christine Hudy.
- The Evidence behind the integration of technology in police training with Greg Kratzig.
- Integrating innovations of technology within the training program with Christine Hudy.
- Subject matter experts: How do we identify them and what is their role in training? with Graham MacRae
- Creating texture within police training through the
- implementation of creative technology with Martin Castle
- Research: working with your library with Amy Rankin
There will be opportunities to network and exchange ideas in an informal setting.
If you are staying at Depot, check in is available from 15:00 on Tuesday May 20th at the Welcome Center at the Fort McCloud building.
Conference check-in is available from 19:00 to 21:00 at the same location or between 07:00 to 08:00 on Wednesday May 21st.
Registration fees due upon registration.
Limit of 90 participants.
The Registration form is available on the C.A.P.E. website:
Accommodation and meals if staying at Depot: $225
If you wish to stay off-base, you will be responsible for booking your own accommodation and covering any associated costs.Any meals eaten on base will be at your own cost.
The mess accepts cash only.
*If you choose to stay in Barracks Quarters (single student rooms) the cost is $75 per day, which includes room, refreshment breaks and meals.
Rooms must be booked and paid for at the time of registration.
Anyone staying in Barracks Quarters is expected to abide by the same rules as any course candidates.
CAPE – PSPBL 2011 Conference
CAPE – PSPBL 2011 Conference
![C.A.P.E. PSPBL 2011 <![CDATA[]]>](
Canadian Association of Police Educators and the Police Society for Problem Based Learning Police Training: From Teaching to Learning Conference
PSPBL Training: From Teaching to Learning Conference.
May 24-26, 2011
FBI Seminar 2010
FBI – Officer Safety/Street Survival Seminar 2010

The session is being held February 6, 2010 and February 7, 2010
The speaker for this year’s conference is Marcus Young
The session will take place at the Alberta Solicitor General and Public Security Staff College.
Law Enforcement Officers Killed & Assaulted (LEOKA) Program
The FBI Law Enforcement Officers Killed & Assaulted Seminar included the following topics:
- National FBI LEOKA Program / Resources
- LEOKA Research / Statistical Information
- Officer Safety – Awareness – Street Survival
- Foot Pursuits - Traffic Stops
- Controlling Arrest Situations & Handcuffing
- Street Combat Veterans
- Post Critical Incident Stress
- Will to Survive - Will to Win
- The Deadly Mix - An Integrative Approach
- Mental Preparation for Street Survival
200 delegates attended the session.